Monday, May 19, 2008

thinking of you

the first time you kissed me
felt like the first time i'd been kissed
i was so nervous that night/morning
knowing that i could do things
that i'd never done before
funny how small changes
can have such a big effect
like the change from
wanting to kiss you to
being kissed by you

i miss the way you look in my eyes
as if you already know
what i dare not say and
all that i will say,
in the near and distant future
you touch me
constantly in new ways
i'm thinking there may be
no end to this

Thursday, May 15, 2008


right here
one more day
one more evening
until my heart can bear to say goodbye

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

in my sleep

more often than not
people value worthless things
clothing their character in robes of lies
turning their back on the truth
in hopes of blending with the masses

but my thoughts reach past human influence
so i don't worry about blending
this leaves me highly visilble to liars
they lock in on me and fire daily
refusing to accept that they can't penetrate
the shield of truth that protects me

when they get frustrated with failed attempts
their attack is aimed at those who fear being different
those quick to conform
hoping i'll believe their lies if they're told to me
by someone who has features similar to my own

but i refuse the offer of being pacified
cause i recognize wolves
even when they're dressed in sheep's clothing
i remain focused on spreading the truth

sometimes loneliness tries to attack me
by attempting to convince me that life is easier,
when you go with the flow
even when the currents rip your soul to shreds,
water-down your creativity
until you release control of your mind

but i'll never give them power over me
that's not my purpose
there's no way they can stop me
i know they will continue to try
i know they will continue to fail

it is a perpetual battle
taxing on the mind and soul
so when they demand rest
i comply
but continue to whisper truths in my sleep